Your product references constantly up to date & accessible.

Thanks to Digital Twins, operational staff no longer waste time looking for, checking, requesting, or sending product images. All your references are up to date, accessible and available immediately, even when working from home.

Shorten your lead times with Digital Twins.

With the digitization of your products, your teams will always be ready for innovations and the launch of new offers. VirtualPackShot is the ideal bridge between the designs of your creative agencies and distribution on GDSN networks.

Streamline the creation of your product packshots.

A two-click process to create visuals on the spot, for any purpose: Digital, Print, Presentations. Your packshots are not stored but generated on demand. VirtualPackShot guarantees the accuracy of visual versions for every user.

Improve product legibility with Mobile Ready Hero Images (M.R.H.I)

Enhance the consumer shopping experience and increase conversion on mobile devices. VirtualPackShot® manages the creation and matching of Hero Images with Digital Twins, and ensures coherent MRHI placement alongside product packshots.